hobby artist
commission status | OPEN
art trades status | OPEN
requests status | CLOSED
By commissioning me, you are agreeing to these terms of service.GENERAL
- all artwork is to be used for PERSONAL use only. commercial use is not allowed.
- I reserve the right to decline any commission.
-I reserve the right to cancel any commission for any reason. refunds will only be given if I cancel the order.
- I reserve the right to upload any artwork into my portfolio including external portfolio sites.
- artwork is NOT allowed to be utilized for any generative A.I. software or NFT purposes.
- when uploading to other sites, you must credit me properly by any of the socials posted on main page.PAYMENT
- USD currency only
- allowed currency channels: PayPal, Kofi, Venmo
- payments will be taken after the sketch phase. payment can be made upfront if discussed beforehand.
- payment plans may only be done through the PayPal invoice option and must be paid completely before artwork is sent.
- payment plans must be discussed with the artist before submitting the commission form in order to determine payment frequency and down payment.CUSTOM COMMISSIONS
- WIPs will be regularly given via selected method of communication. discord communication is preferred but not necessary.
- unless the custom commission is private or requested otherwise, I reserve the right to post WIPs on socials.
- I will not continue on custom commissions without approval on a WIP
- timeframe for finished pieces is 1 to 12 weeks, depending on complexity and work schedule.
- appropriate notifications will be sent if there is a delay in the commission process.
- if commission is canceled, I reserve the right to use elements within the piece for premade pieces.ADOPTABLES | PREMADES
- payment must be sent within 48 hours of confirming sale. payment plans much be discussed beforehand.
- adjustments will cost an additional fee unless otherwise stated.
- adjustments can take between 1 day to 4 weeks, depending on complexity of change and work schedule.
- skintone recoloring will only give you a final version of a premade piece. I do not give out multiple versions of skintones.
- reselling is allowed but only for the original amount purchased. this can be combined with additional art value.
- trading and gifting are allowed.
- trading a design renders its resold value to $0.
- changes are allowed to be made by client, but original design must still be credited to artist.
- adoptables and premade pieces are nonrefundable.
- co-ownership of designs is allowed, but any agreement must be made by clients. artist has no input on co-owning agreements.
general style. line art present and soft shading. simple background included.bust up $30
half body $45
full body not available
RENDERED - currently closed
more painted/rendered style. lineart not as visible. comes with simple backgroundbust $70
half body $95
full body unavailable
only full body available option. chibi like style. small details may be simplified. comes with simple background.$80